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CHE251A - Introduction To Che And Process Calculation




Course Contents

Objectives and Overview, Historical Perspective of Chemical 2Engineering, Role of a Chemical Engineer, Role of Balance Calculations, Review of Basic Concepts. Steady state Material Balances in Non reacting Systems: on Single 4Units, Basis of calculation; number of independent equations, Development of Degrees of Freedom; specification of variables. Balances on Multiple Unit Processes: Recycle and bypass. Balances in Reacting Systems: Stoichiometry, multiple reactions, Recycle and Purge. Element (atomic) versus Species (molecular balances): Combustion of Fossil Fuels, ultimate (elemental) and proximate analyses, combustion chemistry in complete combustion, theoretical and excessa1r.Material Balances in Multi pbase Systems: Phase Rule, Gas Liquid Systems, vapor liquid equilibrium (VLE) calculations, isothermal flash vaporization, Immiscible and Partially Miscible Liquid Systems, Solid Liquid Systems; saturation solubility and crystallization. 



Current Course Information


Number of sections:

Tutors for each section:

Schedule for Lectures:

Schedule for Tutorial:

Schedule for Labs: