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CHM 205 - Industrial Organic Chemistry


Prerequisites: CHM 301; CHM 203 (New ARC)CHM203A

3-0-0 (9)

Course Contents

I. Organic Chemistry in the Industrial environments

II. Basic Raw Materials Derived from Energy Systems a. Raw materials from coal

  • Introduction
  • Chemicals from coal carbonisation
  • Production of chemicals from synthesis gas e.g. chemicals, feedstocks and fuel from Fischer-Tropsh and related syntheses, synthesis of acetic acid, styrene, ethylene glycol and hydrocarbons.

     b. Raw materials from petroleum and natural gas   

  • Introduction
  • Petroleum feedstocks
  • Steam and catalylic reforming
  • Controlling the quality of motor gasoline by catalylic reforming and cracking (the carbonium ion rearrangement)
  • Ethylene production by thermal cracking of Naphtha (The role of free-radical chains reactions)

c. Raw materials from bio-mass

  • Methane production
  • Growing of Algae
  • Ethanol production

III. Halogen Compounds in Industry

  1. Vinyl chloride
  2. Chlroprene
  3. Insecticides
  4. Herbicides
  5. Dyestuffs and pigments
  6. Fluoriene containing monomer and polymers

IV. Aromatics – production and conversion    

  1. General introduction to aromatic chemistry
  2. Alkylbenzenesulphonate detergents
  3. Manufacture of ethylbenzne and cumene
  4. Condensation of aldehydes and ketones with aromatic compounds
  5. Isomerisation of alkylbenzenes

 V.  Organic reactions employed in industrial synthesis   

  1. Oxidation
  • Oxidation of cumene, acetaldehyde – synthesis of phenol, acetone and acetic anhydride.
  • Oxidation of butane and naphtha – synthesis of acetic acid
  • Oxidation of cyclohexane – synthesis of adopic acid
  • Oxidation of toluene & xylene – synthesis of benzoic and terephthalic acid.
  • Oxidation of olefins – The Weaken process
  • Oxidation of Naphthalene
  • Dow process – Synthesis of phenol from toluene

b) Hydration 


  • Hydration of alkenes – synthesis of alcohols
  • Hydration of ethylene oxide – synthesis of ethylene glycols

 C) Hydrogenation, Dehydrogenation and Hydroformylation 

  • Hydrogenation of benzene – synthesis of cyclohexanes
  • Hydrogenation of fats and oils – manufacture of soap and ghee
  • Dehydrogenation of n-butane and n-butenes – synthesis of butadienes
  • Hydroformylation – Homogeneous catalysis (The Oxo process)


  • Chain growth polymerisation – Introduction, stereospecific polymerisation, Aerylic fibres, synthetic rubbers
  • Step growth polymerisation – Introduction, polycarbonates, aminoplastics, epoxy resins and polyurethanes

VI.  Fermentation Technology 

  • Synthesis of antibiotics and proteins  



Current Course Information


Number of sections:

Tutors for each section:

Schedule for Lectures:

Schedule for Tutorial:

Schedule for Labs: