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CS210A - Data Structure And Algorithms




Course Contents

  • Random access machine model, concept of problem size, and asymptotic behavior of time/space complexity.
  • Estimation of time/space complexity by smooth functions and order notations.
  • A simple example of worst case time/space complexity analysis.
  • Elementary data structures: arrays, lists, queues, stacks and their applications.
  • Binary search algorithm, binary trees, binary search tree data structure.
  • Balanced binary search tree: Red Black trees.
  • Hashing for insert, search, delete.
  • Heap data structure.
  • Efficient data structures, apart from those in items 6, 7, and 8, for sets with the foHowing group of operations: (i) insert, delete, membership, (ii) insert, delete, minimum, (iii) union, intersection, deference, (iv) disjoint set union, nd.
  • Sorting algorithms, including the average case analysis of quick sort.
  • Greedy paradigm with examples.
  • Divide and conquer paradigm with examples.
  • Dynamic programming paradigm with examples.
  • Definition of graphs, paths, trees, cycles. Data structures for graphs: adjacency lists, adjacency matrix
  • Graph algorithms: Depth First Search, Breadth First Search, Minimum Spanning Tree. Additional topics based on time and interest may be selected from the following list:
  • Single source shortest path computation, topological sorting of a partially ordered set, convex hull computation, string matching algorithms, median computation, distributed algorithms.



Current Course Information


Number of sections:

Tutors for each section:

Schedule for Lectures:

Schedule for Tutorial:

Schedule for Labs: