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Sanjeev Saxena

Sanjeev Saxena

PhD (IIT Delhi)

Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Research Interest

Parallel Processing, VLSI, Data Structures, Algorithms, Heuristics.


CS 226,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
IIT Kanpur,
Kanpur 208016




PhD, 1989/1990 IIT Delhi

M.Tech, (1985) IIT Delhi

B.Tech, (1983) IIT Delhi

Selected Publications

Efficient VLSI Parallel Algorithm for Delaunay Triangulation on Orthogonal Tree Network in Two and Three Dimensions, IEEE transactions on Computers, vol 39, no 3, 400-404, March 1990 (with P.C.P.Bhatt and V.C.Prasad).

Processing Low Quality Information on Parallel Computers, TRCS-91-133, October 1991, Computer Sc. & Engg., IIT, Kanpur (with Naveen Prakash)

Parallel integer sorting and simulation amongst CRCW models", Acta Informatica, Volume 33 Issue 7 (1996) pp 607-619 (No Co-author)

Java for Scientists and Engineers'', Anamaya Publishers, New Delhi 2008 (ISBN 978-81-89927-04-2)

Splay Trees, Chapter 12 in Handbook of Data Structure and Application, Edited by Dinesh P . Mehta and Sartaj Sahni, Chapman & Hall/CRC 2004 (ISBN: 978-1-58488-435-4)