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Tarun Kanti Ghosh

Tarun Kanti Ghosh

PhD (Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai)

Professor, Department of Physics

Research Interest

Atomically Thin Materials, low-dimensional fermion systems, ultra-cold atomic superfluid

Department of Physics
IIT Kanpur,
Kanpur 208016


Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics


PhD, The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, India

M.Sc., Visva-Bharati University, Santiniketan, India

B.Sc., The University of Burdwan, Burdwan, 1993

Teaching Area

Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics

Condensed Matter Physics

Mathematical Methods I & II

Introduction to Spintronics

Condensed Matter Phenomena in Low-Dimensional Electron Systems

Reviews of Quantum Physics

Selected Publications

Tarun Kanti Ghosh and G. Baskaran, Modeling Two-Roton Bound State Formation in the Fractional Quantum Hall System, Physical Review Letters 87, 186803 (2001)

Tarun Kanti Ghosh, A. De Martino, W. Hausler, L. Dell'Anna, and R. Egger, Conductance quantization and snake states in graphene magnetic waveguides, Physical Review B 77, 081404(R) (2008)

Tarun Kanti Ghosh and K. Machida, Sound velocity and multi-branch Bogoliubov spectrum in a superfluid Fermi gas along the BEC-BCS crossover, Physical Review A 73, 013613 (2006)

Tarun Kanti Ghosh, Vortex formation in a fast rotating Bose-Einstein condensate, Physical Review A 69, 043606 (2004)

SK Firoz Islam and Tarun Kanti Ghosh, In-plane electric field effect on a spin-orbit coupled two-dimensional electron system in presence of magnetic field, Journal of Applied Physics 113, 183710(2013)

Awards & Fellowships

Humboldt Fellowship: 2007

JSPS Fellowship: 2004-2006

Research Group

Current Ph. D. students:

Tutul Biswas,
Alestin Mawrie,
Boudhayan Paul.

Current BS student:

K. Ajesh.

Past Ph. D. student:

Dr. SK Firoz Islam (presently post-doc at NIMS, Tsukuba, Japan).Past MS/MTech students:

Akashdeep Kampra (presently research scholar at Delft University, Netherlands.