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Manas Khan

Manas Khan

PhD (Indian Institute of Science)

Assistant Professor, Department of Physics

Research Interest

Studying the statistical physics of soft, biological, and active matters employing various experimental tools, principally optical micromanipulations and imaging, supplemented by numerical simulations and analytical calculations.

Office - FB 488, NL - 104
Department of Physics
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Kanpur - 208016, India


We study the statistical physics of soft and active matter, including biological systems, primarily through experimental methods supplemented by numerical simulations and analytical calculations. Our goal is to uncover the microscopic origin of the emergent intriguing physical phenomena in soft condensed matter physics. Our research interests include:

  • Active Brownian dynamics in complex environments and under confinements
  • Single particle and emergent collective behavior of run-and-tumble dynamics
  • Bacterial swarming and biofilm
  • Anomalous diffusion and nonequilibrium fluctuations, microrheology
  • Resetting of active and passive dynamics
  • Structural transitions and defect dynamics in colloidal crystals
  • Mechanical responses of cells and bio-membranes

The experimental tools that we currently use are:

  • Conventional and customized laser optical tweezers, and other optical micromanipulation techniques
  • Bright field, fluorescence, and confocal microscopy with advanced video imaging
  • Particle tracking microrheology
  • Rheology coupled with confocal imaging


Ph.D. (2011): Indian Institute of Science, India

M.S. (2003): Indian Institute of Science, India

B.Sc. (2000): Presidency College, Kolkata, India

Professional Experience

2011 – 2012 : Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Konstanz, Germany

2013 – 2016 : Postdoctoral Fellow at University of California – Los Angeles (UCLA), USA

2016 – 2017 : Research Fellow at University of San Diego, USA