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ME850A - Basic Control System for Mechanical Engineers




Course Contents

1. Elementary review of dynamic systems. Equations of motion. Numerical solution of ODEs. Linearization. Stability.

2. La place transforms and inverse La place transforms. Block diagrams. Transfer functions. Feedback loops. Poles and zeros. Transient responses. Stability. The Routh Hu rwitz criterion. Non minimum phase systems and their transient responses. Steady state responses.

3. Root locus plots. Nyquist plots. Bode plots. Implications for transient responses.

4. Compensators. Lead and lag compensators. PID controllers. Tuning rules.

5. Stabilization using a stable controller: motivation and sample problems.

6. Discrete time systems. Stability.

7. State space. Standard form for an LTI system. General solution. Controllability and observability. Pole placement. Connections with classical control.

8. Introduction to optimal control. The linear quadratic regulator.

9. Introduction to time delayed control.

10. Simulations of nonlinear systems with linearization based controllers. Case studies from the literature as time permits. In addition, the course will have a design oriented project which requires a level of maturity appropriate for a postgraduate class. 



Current Course Information


Number of sections:

Tutors for each section:

Schedule for Lectures:

Schedule for Tutorial:

Schedule for Labs: