Gautam, R.; Petritis, S. J.; Tomat, E., Redox-Switchable Cyan Fluorescence of a BODIPY Analog Inspired by Propentdyopent Pigments.European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry., 2019, 68-72 (2019)
Gautam, R.; Petritis, S. J.; Astashkin, A. V.; Tomat, E., Paramagnetism and Fluorescence of Zinc(II) Tripyrrindione: A Luminescent Radical Based on a Redox-Active Biopyrrin.Inorganic Chemistry., 57, 15240-15246 (2018). * Highlighted on the cover page of the Journal of Inorganic Chemistry.
Gautam, R.; Astashkin, A. V.; Chang, T. M.; Shearer, J.; Tomat, E. Interactions of Metal-Based and Ligand-Based Electronic Spins in Neutral Tripyrrindione π-Dimers.Inorganic Chemistry., 56, 6755–6762 (2017).
Gautam, R.; Tsuhen M Chang.; Astashkin, A. V.; Lincoln. K. M.; Tomat, E. Propentdyopent: A heme metabolite as an electron reservoir in transition metal complexes.Chemical Communications., 52, 6585-6588 (2016).
Gautam, R.; Loughrey, J. J.; Astashkin, A. V.; Shearer, J.; Tomat, E. Tripyrrindione as a redox-active ligand: Palladium (II) coordination in three redox states.Angewandte Chemie., 127, 15107-15110 (2015).
Gautam, R.; Akam, E. A.; Astashkin, A. V.; Loughrey, J. J.; Tomat, E. Sirtuin inhibitor sirtinol is an intracellular iron chelator.Chemical Communications., 51, 5104–5107 (2015).