Course Contents
- Introduction, Thermodynamics terminology .
- First law First law of thermodynamics and its applications.
- Second Law Second law of thermodynamics and its consequences, Combined statement of first and second laws.
- Statistical interpretation of entropy, entropy and Interpretations disorder .
- Thermodynamic Auxiliary functions: Helmholtz free energy, functions Gibbs free energy, Chemical potential, Maxwell's relations, Gibbs Helmholtz equations.
- Third law Third law of thermodynamics
- Phase equiliblia in Phase equilibria in one component systems: single component system variation of Gibbs free energy with temperature and pressure, Clausius Clapeyron equation, PTdiagram
- Solutions Thermodynamics_ of solutions: Raoult's and Henry's Law, activity of a component, Regular solutions, Gibbs Duhem equation and its application, non ideal solutions, Sievert's Law, activity and alternative standard states, dilute solutions and interaction mtrameters.
- Reaction Equilibria Equilibrium constant, Reaction equilibria for (a) homogeneous reactions consisting of gas mixtures, (b) heterogeneous reactions consisting of condensed phases and gas mixtures, Ellingham Diagram.
- Phase rules Phase rules and its applications, Lever Rulell. Electrochemical cells Them1odynamics of electrochemical cells: Relation between chemical and electrical driving forces, Nemst equation, Concentration and formation cells, then no dynamics of aqueous solutions. Fundamentals of Free energy composition
- Free energy diagram for binary systems. Examples of composition diagram common binary Free energy composition diagrams: Eutectic, Eutectoid, Peritectic etc. 13. Phase diagrams Study of some common phase diagrams, such as FeC, CuZn, AlCu, Fe0Si02 and evolution of equilibrium microstructure on cooling.
Current Course Information
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