अपनी प्राथमिकता निर्धारित करें
फ़ॉन्ट स्केलिंग
पृष्ठ अनुमापन
रंग समायोजन

निविदा संग्रह

क्र,सं निविदा दस्तावेज विभाग पोस्ट करने की तिथि अंतिम तिथि विवरण
4976 Enquiry No:GATE/2011-12/ENQ-02 GATE 04/10/2011 15/10/2011 Rack mount 2U server
4977 Enquiry No:PHY/LHE/2011/1 Department of Physics 26/09/2011 14/10/2011 Empty gas cylinders under buyback conditions.
4978 Enquiry No:SCDT/01/2011-12 Samtel Centre for Display Technologies 10/07/2011 14/10/2011 Xerox Digital Multifunctional Copier Machine
4979 Enquiry No:E/2011-2012/24 Central Store & Purchase Section 30/09/2011 13/10/2011 quotation for purchase of Saree, Blouse & Peticoat
4980 Enquiry No:E/2011-2012/25 Central Store & Purchase Section 30/09/2011 13/10/2011 quotation for purchase of Jersey & socks
4981 Tender No:EE/MIPS/ NI/ 01/2011 Department of Electrical Engg 30/11/2011 12/10/2011 NI cRIO system
4982 Enquiry No.EE/MJA/ANT-1/2011 Department of Electrical Engineering 27/10/2011 11/10/2011 Ultra Wideband Antenna
4983 Enquiry No.ME/ERL/2011-12/Oct/06 Department of Mechanical Engineering 11/01/2011 11/10/2011 Lambda Module for Exhaust gas Emissions
4984 Enquiry No.CE/STR/2011-12/Nov/01 Department of Civil Engineering 11/03/2011 11/10/2011 cards for our existing MTS GT controller
4985 Enquiry No.AKT/BSBE/02 Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering 11/03/2011 11/10/2011 Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography
4986 Enquiry No.4i-Lab/2011-12/05 Department of 4i-Laboratory 11/04/2011 11/10/2011 ABS Filament Canister, PC Filament Canister, PC Filament Canister
4987 Enquiry No:4i-Lab/2011-12/02 4i-Laboratory 29/09/2011 10/10/2011 License server,Application server
4988 Enquiry No:CHM/SRG/001 Department of Chemistry 30/09/2011 10/10/2011 HP Desktop PC's
4989 Enquiry No:SIIC/Lap Mac pro /MC725 Sep,11 SIDBI Innovation Incubation Center 09/07/2011 09/10/2011 Centrifuge
4990 Auction No:S&P/AUCTNOTICE/IITK/2011-12/ CENTRAL STORES & PURCHASE SECTION 26/07/2011 08/10/2011 auction of obsolete/discarded material.
4991 Enquiry No:BSBE/AB/NC/2011/01 Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering 08/04/2011 08/10/2011 Centrifuge and Rotor
4992 Enquiry No:IITK/ChE/2011/1 Department of Chemical Engineering 09/12/2011 30/09/2011 2 Socket Intel Processor based Server
4993 Enquiry No:CE/STR/2011-12/September/01 Department of Civil Engineering 20/09/2011 30/09/2011 Enquiry for hammer-accelerometers
4994 Enquiry No:IITK/ChE/2011/2 Department of Chemical Engineering 20/09/2011 30/09/2011 Quotation for 20 kVA U.P.S (without battery)
4995 Enquiry No: E/2011-2012/22 Central Store & Purchase Section 23/09/2011 30/09/2011 Purchase of Split A.C (Rating 2 star).
4996 Enquiry No:MSP/RG/2010-11/01 Materials Science Programme 23/09/2011 30/09/2011 Raman filter chamber, fiber and camera lens adapter etc.
4997 Enquiry No:ADA/ME/20100100/VDL/2011-12/02 Department of Mechanical Engineering 19/09/2011 29/09/2011 Steering Torque Sensor with Programming Tool & Software
4998 Enquiry No:NWTF/2011-2012/ 95 National Wind Tunnel Facility 22/09/2011 29/09/2011 Window Air Conditioner,Split Air Conditioner
4999 Enquiry No:Enq/MSE/2011-12/02 Department of Materials Science and Engineering 20/09/2011 28/09/2011 Quotations are invited for purchase of Nickel oxide (NiO) Sputtering Target and Cobalt (Co) Sputtering Target
5000 Enquiry No:No.Lib. Ins../2011-'12/ P.K. Library 21/09/2011 28/09/2011 Standard Fire and Special Perils Policy