अपनी प्राथमिकता निर्धारित करें
फ़ॉन्ट स्केलिंग
पृष्ठ अनुमापन
रंग समायोजन
Vaibhav Singhal

Vaibhav Singhal

Department: सिविल अभियांत्रिकी

Research Topic

In-plane and out-of-plane seismic behaviour of confined masonry walls.


Pursuing Doctor of Philosophy Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur, India

Bachelor of Technology (2006, Civil Engineering) Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India

Diploma Engineering (2002, Civil Engineering) Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India

चयनित प्रकाशन

Singhal, V., and Rai, D. C., (2014). “Role of Toothing on In-Plane and Out-of-Plane Behavior of Confined Masonry Walls,” Journal of Structural Engineering (available online, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE) ST.1943-541X.0000947).
Singhal, V., and Rai, D. C., (2014). “Suitability of Half-Scale Burnt Clay Bricks for Shake Table Tests on Masonry Walls,” Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 26(4), 644-657.
Rai, D. C., Singhal, V., Paikara, S., and Mukherjee, D., (2014). “Sub-paneling of Masonry Walls using Precast Reinforced Concrete Elements for Earthquake Resistance,” Earthquake Spectra, 30(2), 913-937.

पुरस्कार एवं फैलोशिप

R G Drysdale Award for the Best Paper on Masonry Research or Education at 12th Canadian Masonry Symposium, paper titled “Experimental Investigation of Confined Masonry Panels with Openings under In-Plane and Out-of-Plane Loads,” 2013.
Silver medal at Mondialogo Engineering Awards 2008-09 organized by UNESCO and Dailmer for the project titled “Promotion of bamboo as a cost effective and sustainable structural material,” 2009.
Gold medalist, Bachelor of Technology (Civil Engineering), Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, 2006