Reduction of Earth Metals in Chalkopyrite based Solar Cells
PI: Prof. Sarang Ingole
Relatively limited reserves of Indium and Gallium are expected to result into increased cost of CuInGaSe2 (CIGS) based solar-cells. To address this challenge, (a) one could replace Indium and Gallium with Zinc and Tin that are relatively abundant, and also, (b) improve the CIGS material itself so that less amount of In and Ga (Thinner CIGS film) is required for the same-efficiency solar-cell. This project aims at pursuing both of these alternatives. Thin-film solar cells will be fabricated using sputtering and CBD technique followed by high temperature treatment. Three other collaborators in this project are Dr. Nagesh Kini from Thermax Ltd., Pune; Prof. Dr. Roland Scheer from Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany; Dr. Ralf Sorgenfrei, Manz CIGS Technology GmbH, Germany.